I have always been a firm believer that it is the people that make trips so memorable, not the experiences necessarily. After all, what good is an amazing experience if you don't have anyone to share it with? It doesn't matter if the people that we share these experiences with are people that we are traveling with or if they are people that we meet along our journey. However, when the person that we are sharing these experiences with is family, well that just makes it all the more special.
Such was the case when my cousin, Kyle, decided he would fly out to Singapore to visit me as a post-graduation celebration. Upon his arrival, we had a rough, VERY rough, itinerary for our trip. Literally all we had officially confirmed was the flight for the first leg of our trip to Myanmar the following day (not even our accommodations for after we arrived). This type of planning, or lack thereof, was going to allow for more flexibility in our trip, and as we would find out later, much more adventure!
The morning following Kyle's arrival, after a very miserable sleep on my classroom floor (I was between moves so I had to be out of my old apartment and could not quite move into my new one. Sorry Mom and Aunt Linda) we set off for Yangon, Myanmar. A little back story on Myanmar, or known to some as Burma. Up until 2010, Myanmar had been run by a corrupt military regime which had tried to make Myanmar primarily self-reliant, which means no outside businesses. Isolated, they focused on being an agrarian society with little need for infrastructure. Ever since its democratic elections in 2010, and thus its opening to the outside world, the country has increasingly been becoming more commercialized. Thus, I really wanted to visit this place before it lost too much of it's uniqueness and becomes just another heavily commercialized and yet vastly undeveloped Southeast Asian nation.
Shwedagon |
Once aboard the bus, we had to cram in so tightly that people hoping to get off had to start making their move towards the door a few minutes before their stop. Once at the bus station we were guided through the labyrinth of different terminals to the one that went to Bagan, where we bought our tickets. I can confidently say that had we not been with the gentleman from our hotel that we would have never found that terminal because their letters and words are completely indistinguishable to me (similar to Thai or Arabic looking). We also used our guide to help us buy the traditional wear of Myanmar for both guys and girls, which are these sarong looking long skirts called longyi (pronounced long-chee).
The following morning we woke up early to head back to the bus station to begin our 12 hour bus ride to Bagan. It was a fairly nice coach bus that aired constant Burmese music videos on a small tv at the front of the bus for the entire trip. Although we couldn't understand what they were saying, all of the songs seemed to be the same story. Guy randomly meets girl. Guy falls instantly in love. Guy obsesses over said girl. Guy is eventually reunited with said girl. The two live happily ever after. When I wasn't gawking at the incredibly cheesy entertainment being offered to us, or sleeping, I was admiring the incredible view of the landscapes we were driving through. When I say that there was nothing, I am not talking about your backwoods small Alabama town kind of nothing, I mean literally nothing. Vast barren landscapes with a shockingly large and beautiful pagoda, usually gold leafed, scattered every so often in this "nothing". We did have one minor hiccup along the way when our bus blew out a tire. At once, all the men got off the bus and sat outside watching these two men change the massive bus tire. But after about 30 minutes we were back on our way.
Changing the flat tire (notice all the spectators) |
me and Kyle climbed to one of the upper sections of the stupa that wasn't necessarily meant for standing on, which allowed us to just get lost in the splendor of the sunrise. It's pretty amazing how something that literally happens everyday can still make us awe-stricken. This sunrise was no ordinary sunrise however. This sunrise shone onto the plain of Bagan, which contained hundreds of ancient temples everywhere the eye could see. It was one of those moments, one that all travelers experience from time to time, where you keep taking pictures to try to capture the beauty, although never even coming close to succeeding, and at the end you have 100 or more pictures of essentially the same shot but you can't bring yourself to delete any of them because they're just too beautiful. This was one of those moments. Unforgettable.
Had to do a handstand photo |
After the balloon ride we returned to our hotel for our free breakfast once again. Although I have been out of college for some time now, that is one principle that I picked up in college that I still live by; never turn down a free meal. Having seen our fair share of temples, pagodas, stupas, and monasteries, and it being Christmas eve, we thought we would go pose for a Christmas card picture to send out to our families, or just post on instagram; "same-same but different". So donning our traditional longyis, we rented bikes near our hotel and rode out for the nearest ancient structure we could find to snap a photo. When we arrived, there were the typical locals set up outside the temples trying to sell you stuff, but this time the guy saw our longyis and got super excited. He asked, "where are you from?" and when we replied that we were from America he said what almost every local said upon discovering that fact, "Obama!" He then honored us by taking our photo which is shown below. Wrapping up our last night in Bagan, we returned our bikes, ate at the same restaurant we ate at every night there, and went to bed relatively early to catch up on some sleep before yet another early and long bus ride to Mandalay the next day.
*A few other noteworthy things about Myanmar culture: A) Betel nut: this narcotic leaf and nut that is chewed by practically every male over the age of 16 in Burma, and stains their teeth a bright red color, leaving them, as one travel guide so adequately described, "looking like vampires". B) Thanaka: this is a cream that is produced by grinding a particular wood into dust and mixing it with water. Most women and children then put this cream over the majority of their face, essentially painting it yellow, in order to protect their skin against sunburn, wrinkling and acne.
The King's Palace |
We finally ran into a little hiccup in our "plans" that had in our minds for how our trip would go on the next leg of our trip. Originally, we had planned to travel to Phuket, Thailand after Bangkok and spend New Years Eve there. However, when we checked the ticket prices, last minute of course, they were ridiculously expensive. So instead we flew to Hanoi, Vietnam, where we had planned on ending our trip, first and then would go to Phuket after.
The last time I was in Hanoi I had gone on a tour of the natural wonder of the world, Halong Bay. It was beautiful, but due to time constraints I had only done the day tour where you end up spending twice as much time on a bus than you do actually on the bay. Everyone I had talked to in Hanoi on that trip had told me that I really needed to do the 3 day, 2 night tour, and so this is precisely why me and Kyle were in Hanoi. Solely for that tour, as my previous experience had shown me that there really wasn't much to do in the city of Hanoi itself. However, we once again had failed to make any reservations for the tour, which I didn't think was a problem because last time I had gone we booked it last minute as well. Sure enough, when we tried to book the tour through our hostel the lady told us that all boats were full for the following day but that we could start the tour the day after. The problem was that we had already bought our plan tickets out of Hanoi and only scheduled just enough time to do the three day/two night tour. This meant we either had to just do a two day/one night tour or change our flight. When I looked into changing our flight it was going to cost way too much. Supremely discouraged, we were about to just go ahead and settle for the two day/one night tour when the kind lady at the front desk of our hostel got a call back from one of the MANY people she had contacted trying to find us a boat to go on saying that two people had failed to get their visas and weren't being allowed into the country and so their spots opened up. Lady Luck was our friend yet again! We made sure to give the lady at our hostel a big ole hug for all of her effort.
The boat that had the spot that opened up for us just so happened to be "The Party Boat" (as it was so aptly named). This drew a diverse group of French, Israeli and Canadian passengers to join us on this adventure. It also meant that I was older, albeit not by much, than the majority of the group. For the
first day, after the four hour drive from Hanoi to Halong Bay, we mostly did the same itenerary we had done when I had been on the one day tour: go to a cave, look at some floating villages (although most are disappearing because since Halong Bay has become a UNESCO World Heritage site and part of the New 7 Natural Wonders of the World the government is forcing all of the floating villages to relocate and live in one mass floating community that is away from where the tours go), and ended with climbing one of the outcroppings from the bay to watch another beautiful sunset. Afterwards, we retired to our "Party Boat", fulfilled its name a bit, and then got to spend the night sleeping on the boat while anchored at bay. Surprisingly, it never felt like we were sleeping on a boat at all because the bay is quite placid and so there never was much movement.
The next day we woke up, had breakfast and were told we were going to an area for cliff jumping. Now y'all know Singapore doesn't experience season changes, but northern Vietnam is far enough away from the equator to get pretty cold in late December, so I was not really considering participating and really didn't think anybody was. That was quickly disproved by the crazy French guys who hardly let the boat stop before they were in the water swimming towards the cliff. Then when Kyle told me that he was going to go change and do it too, I knew that I couldn't just let him have all the fun, so together we jumped off the second story of our boat into the frigid water and started swimming as fast as we could towards the cliff. They had required that we wear these rubber shoes, and the reason for them was discovered when we got to the cliff; it was completely covered in barnacles and bivalves. By the time we reached the cliff, the French boys had already jumped and swam back to the boat. We, on the other hand, could not even figure out how to get up the cliff as there was no clear climbing path. We spent 15 minutes or more looking for a reasonably safe way up the cliff (we both had the fear of falling with our backs landing on all the barnacles and getting shredded into ground meat) and were starting to swim back to the boat because we felt bad for making them wait so long on us when we heard the French guys yelling, "I didn't know Americans were such sissies!" Now, feeling it was my patriotic duty, I was more determined than ever to find a way up that cliff. Eventually, I was able to shimmy my way up the cliff inside this little crack that ran about half way up by placing back against one wall of the crack, feet against the other and just walk up it that way. The cliff was about 12 meters high, or 40 feet, which is a lot higher when you are actually standing there looking down from that high. The initial impact from that height is similar to jumping onto concrete, which can be attested by the bruises on the soles of my feet.
After the cliff jumping, we were transported to Cat Ba island were we had a secluded beach all to ourselves where we could swim, kayak, or play soccer/rugby on the beach. The beach was run by a just a few locals who prepared our meals, and it was through them that I witnessed one of the most uncomfortable cultural experiences I have yet experienced. It all started with a dog. It was a young cute dog that looked very much like a husky. When we arrived on the island, this dog was tied to a tree and barking at anything that walked by. Eventually, some girls from our group took it upon themselves to untie the dog thinking that it just wanted to roam freely. The dog was surprisingly friendly, despite all the initial barking, and many of the members of the crew both played with and petted the dog. The disturbing part came late in the afternoon, after we had finished our soccer game on the beach, when we heard loud and continuous yelping from the dog. Jokingly, some of us looked at each other and mocked, "dinner". However, this would turn out to be not far from the truth. Saving the horrible and gruesome details that we witnessed, this dog did in fact turn out to be dinner, not for us, but for the locals and some of their family members that came over later in the night by boat. It was a pretty heavy experience, as none of us had ever witnessed a dog being slaughtered for food before, especially not one we had played with earlier in the day, and some of the girls took it especially hard. But from a cultural standpoint, we had no right to judge them for a cultural practice they take part in while we were visitors in their land. It was not as if these locals had treated this dog as a pet and then executed it, that obviously would be inhumane, but from the start this dog was nothing but a means of nutrition and protein to them and it dutifully fulfilled that purpose. If the dog is not seen as a pet, is it really any different than if they were to kill a chicken, cow, or pig for dinner? Personally, I do not think so. Despite being a dog lover, it was for that reason (and the justification that my actions or lack thereof would not result in that dog's life being resurrected) that when graciously offered to share in their feast that I took the opportunity to taste a food that I hope to never be offered again. Don't judge me.

In Phuket, our main aspiration was to just end our long, incredible, and yet remarkably fast paced journey with a nice relaxing beach stay. The one definite item on our to-do list in Phuket was to rent motorbikes to cruise around on. The freedom and fun that they provide makes them such an awesome toy. It's hard to not want to buy one after just riding it around a few days, although, I don't think it would be nearly as enjoyable riding one in a crowded city as it was through an island paradise. The first of our three days in Phuket, not counting the one we slept away, we primarily spent at the beach just chilling out. We did, however, stop to get a fish massage after lunch. No, this is not where they massage you with a fish; that would only be slightly weirder and probably much more enjoyable than the reality. What this is is a tank that you pay to stick your feet in and let a school of tiny little fish come nibble away the bacteria and dead skin on your feet. The best way to describe this, besides hell, is to compare it to the feeling when you've been sitting on your foot too long and it starts to fall asleep. It tingled beyond what I could stand, and I would have to take breather breaks where I took my feet out of the tank. Kyle, on the other hand, loved it. The next day we spent mostly just cruising our motorbikes for the entire day. We had set off with a destination and flaky directions in mind, but it quickly became just a joy ride as we got lost, although that word doesn't seem fitting as we really didn't care where we ended up, we were just looking for an excuse to ride. We ended the day taking in yet another spectacular sunset from this random overlook we passed. Then on our final day, just before we took a cab to the airport, we booked an elephant ride. This only added to our extensive list of different modes of transportation that we had taken during the trip. The funniest moment from the elephant sanctuary was this baby elephant, that smacked Kyle really hard with its trunk when Kyle got too close to try and take a picture. The little guy didn't care for that too much, and had he not been chained up, probably would have charged right at Kyle. After that it was back home, at least for me, to conclude a trip of a lifetime in Singapore where we would cheer on our now shared alma mater Auburn Tigers in their championship football game from halfway across the world.
The boat that had the spot that opened up for us just so happened to be "The Party Boat" (as it was so aptly named). This drew a diverse group of French, Israeli and Canadian passengers to join us on this adventure. It also meant that I was older, albeit not by much, than the majority of the group. For the
first day, after the four hour drive from Hanoi to Halong Bay, we mostly did the same itenerary we had done when I had been on the one day tour: go to a cave, look at some floating villages (although most are disappearing because since Halong Bay has become a UNESCO World Heritage site and part of the New 7 Natural Wonders of the World the government is forcing all of the floating villages to relocate and live in one mass floating community that is away from where the tours go), and ended with climbing one of the outcroppings from the bay to watch another beautiful sunset. Afterwards, we retired to our "Party Boat", fulfilled its name a bit, and then got to spend the night sleeping on the boat while anchored at bay. Surprisingly, it never felt like we were sleeping on a boat at all because the bay is quite placid and so there never was much movement.
They say that this is your friend waiting for you when you exit the cave. (*Notice the feet dangling over the edge) |
The night carried on however, and we stayed up late talking and having a good time by a bonfire that Kyle started for all of us to enjoy before we packed up and headed back to Hanoi the following morning. The day we returned to Hanoi happened to be both our last night in Vietnam and New Years Eve. With no plans, we sort of just asked what people at our hostel were doing, which is how we eventually got to talking to this American guy who actually was living in Hanoi. We asked him if there was a local place that we could go bring in the new year in and he took us to this very chill pub that had a low stakes poker table in operation, which me and Kyle immediately joined. Although I quickly lost both of my buy-ins (less than $20 USD), Kyle was killing it! I actually lost the majority of my money to him, so I was ok with that, but I had a feeling that our Vietnamese counterparts did not appreciate Kyle's beginner's luck nearly as much as I did. Nonetheless, at the end of the night, Kyle was the big winner and so I let him buy the taxi back to our hostel where we got a meager nights sleep before what was about to be the most miserable leg of our journey.
As aforementioned, booking the tickets to Phuket, Thailand, the last destination in our journey before returning back to Singapore, was quite difficult as it is not a very big airport (so minimal flights in and out per day), it was peak traveling season (local schools here get their big school breaks in November/December instead of June/July), and Phuket is a very popular tourist destination. Despite all of that, we were able to find reasonable tickets but the trade off was that we had to travel for 15 hours, including an 11 hour overnight layover in Kuala Lumpur, on what should have been just a 2-3 hour flight. In KL, I briefly went out into the city and visited the famous Petronas Towers and had dinner while Kyle chilled in the airport. I eventually returned to the airport with about 5 hours still to kill, which me and Kyle used feebly to try and get some shut-eye. When we arrived to our hotel in Phuket at 6 in the morning, desperate for sleep, we were extremely frustrated to find the front desk area completely locked up. Again, we feebly tried to get some sleep on the poolside furniture until the workers showed up. When they arrived we got more bad news that we would not be allowed to check in until 2 pm! That meant six more hours until we could finally get a nice shower and a bed that we so desperately were craving. By the time we finally got our room I am pretty sure that I had made the entire hotel staff, which was all of 2 people (ridiculous right?!), hate us. But when we were finally able to get a nice warm shower and fall into a clean comfortable bed, two weeks of non-stop traveling, countless pre-dawn wakeups for either sunrises or travels, and the hellish nightmare that was our last 24 hours all compounded to give me one of the greatest sleeps of my life! I am not exaggerating when I say that I slept from 2 until 9:30, woke up just to go grab something to eat from the restaurant downstairs before it closed, and then went back and slept uninterrupted until 9 the following morning. Status? Battery recharged.
In Singapore, we had a day before the big game and I wanted to give Kyle the "Singapore in a day tour", which included hitting up the big cultural spots like Little India, China Town, and Arab Street, but also the famous Marina Bay with all the interesting architecture around the city. The difficult part about a short stay in Singapore is not trying to see everything, but rather trying to eat everything and with Kyle's time constraints I did my best. He got to try kaya toast, beef hor fun, legit Indian food, and much much more. But for Kyle's last full day in Singapore we devoted most of the day for the Auburn National Championship game. This being the miracle season, we woke up with high hopes for the game, and the first half certainly gave us a lot to cheer for. However, Florida State mounted quite the comeback in the second half and our Tigers fell heartbreakingly short. Although it was a great season that no Auburn fan could have expected, it still hurt immensely to come so close to winning it all. We spent the rest of that day mourning our loss. Unfortunately, for Kyle's last day, before he flew out that night, I had to spend at school for my first day back at work. After I got off, it was straight to the airport to say our goodbyes.
Reminiscing on our trip, I am confident that we could not have possibly planned it better had we actually planned for it. The tentativeness of our plans allowed for more flexibility, but also for more adventure. This being my first real trip with Kyle, I am thankful to know that I have an awesome travel buddy who is just as flexible, whimsical, and adventurous as I am in my own family. I cannot wait for our next adventure wherever and whenever it may be!
Thank you to those who read all of this. Please post a comment in the bottom and tell me your favorite part of our journey.
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